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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023


  • It won’t generate random numbers. It’ll generate random numbers from its training data.

    If it’s asked to generate passwords I wouldn’t be surprised if it generated lists of leaked passwords available online.

    These models are created from masses of data scraped from the internet. Most of which is unreviewed and unverified. They really don’t want to review and verify it because it’s expensive and much of their data is illegal.

  • They would have to set it up before leaving. Or have someone in the household change their router settings to enable it and share the details with them.

    If you ever look at local WiFi networks in most residential areas you will see 90%+ use the default router supplied by thier isp. Also using the default SSID and password printed on the router. Most wouldn’t even venture into the routers web page to change the settings. So the likelihood someone would configure this is low.

    If you don’t already, change your default WiFi SSID and password. It makes it easier to share with visitors, you can use the same ones when you switch routers (saves reconfiguring all devices). It also removes the possiblity of your ISP leaking the SSID and password to anyone. If it’s been printed, then it isn’t encrypted when stored. Many ISPs have lost lots of customers data in breaches, many of which they resit making public.

  • I imagine a ground based crew would be available to intervene and fly it remotely. With an option for the powered aircraft crew to fly it remotely through a data link in the cable.

    Proper sensory redundancy, appropriate control systems and designing for inherent stability should make this very safe.

    The problem with the recent Boeing aircraft is modifying the airframe to take larger quieter engineers caused it to be inherently unstable. This type of aircraft should be designed to be inherently stable. However, redesign is expensive so they avoided that. Instead they added a control system to stabilise the aircraft (perfectly acceptable). The problem is they didn’t add redundancy to the sensors the control system relied on, faulty data caused the aircraft to crash. They also skipped training the pilots on how to override this new control system.

    All completely avoidable if everything was done right. They got away with not doing everything right because they successfully corrupted the FDA. Other equivalent bodies assumed the FDA wasn’t corrupt and accepted their qualification of the aircraft.

    Remove the corruption and penny punching this concept is completely safe. With corruption all aircrafts are liable to be dangerous.

  • The other things in honey is what makes the difference. Good honey is a magical thing. But it wouldn’t be mixed with anything else. A marker of high quality honey is being single source and single season (similar to single malt whisky).

    HFCS has uses - many. But it’s not a good substitute for honey if the honey flavour is important. This product is the cheapest honey mixed together and then added to HFCS to push the price down and make the low quality honey more tolerable in taste. There’s a market for it only because honey is so expensive.

  • That would be very hard to verify for most users. So the perceived risk can be high. Most people aren’t going through source code or compiling the code themselves. Most are trusting the open source community to tell them it’s safe.

    Where as pen and paper, the risks are apparent to most people. It also severely limits the people who can access the information. Keeping out those that would sell or trade it. For a third party to access pen and paper they either need to trick you in person or break and enter.

    Most businesses aren’t going to take those risks. But they will steal your data from an app. Many businesses primary operation is stealing data from apps.

  • It’s probably the same amount as before. More phones and tablets haven’t had a big effect on the amount of general purpose computers. There’s devices today like raspberry pi and Arduino that fill the same niche as older general-purpose computers.

    Your assume things are different and must be worse. This is a take old as time. Socrates complained about the youth no longer taking the studies as serious as his generation did. The world would have fallen into complete chaos if it were ever true. It’s the conservative myth that things were better and can only get worse.

    These kids accessing websites that tell you that a general purpose computer is needed, would have to rely on textbooks and magazines to get the same information in the past. A much bigger barrier, even identifying which ones you need.

  • It will be similar to a big pulley.

    The weight will pull the turbine, the turbine will require a torque to generate current. This torque will act as an upwards force against gravity. This force will slow the fall of the weight significantly. The turbine ‘consuming’ the torque allows the weight to fall.

    The higher the power output the faster it will fall. This will be adjustable. No power out = stationery. A small amount of power out, the descent speed will be tiny. A faster fall a higher power output.

    This won’t be designed to fall at full speed. It’ll be designed for a long slow descent. The theoretical power will likely be much higher. It will be limited by the turbine and wiring capacity that’s rated at 2MW.

    If your calculations are correct it will be able to generate $1.50 a second. It will also consume power that is below market price/free/paid to consume when it ‘charges’. It also provides the utility of stabilising the electrical grid against renewables. Increasing the capability of the grid to support more cheap renewable energy, without the lead time of nuclear or the pollution of biofuel.

  • Software engineering does have standards and methods to developing software. These standards and methods are applied in Defence and Aerospace applications. Software engineering was developed or conceived by NATO to manage the increasing complexity of software development.

    The big problem is people often confuse software development or programming with software engineering. Calling anyone that programs a software engineer. This isn’t the case. It’s entirely possible to be a software engineer without knowing how to code (but impractical).

  • All the AI does is match the request to solutions it was trained in.

    It just stackoverflow in your ide. It has a little more flexibility in answering and isn’t as corrupted by SEO result when googling the equivalent answer. Its not informed and thinking.

    The optimisation problems you are talking about is the process that is used to make AI models in the first place. I think you want an AI to configure optimisation routines for you rather than build the test cases and variables yourself. Or you want some system that implement all the individual components better, but an AI that can optimise the entire thing isn’t coming about soon. It would need to trained on very similar software. In which case you should just use that better software.