• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Law maker enacts legislation towards a company. The company is able to comply but instead the company pulls the service or severelyndegrades it. Then when users are pissed off the company will point to the law maker and say “they forced us to do this”. The law maker then suffers the blacklash of companies service withdrawal.

    Apple tried this with the EU usb c but eventually backed down. John deer tried this with right to repair. There are many cases where companies use these tactics to try and bully law makers away from regulating them and I think i know it’s legal and their right to do so but I find it gross.

    I don’t think the law makers should be solving the “problem” this way but I also don’t think pornhub should deny service from an entire state because they want an an ID check implemented.

  • Pornhub is only pulling out to punish the states for trying to stand up to them. In classic American monopoly fashion they go on the attack as soon as any legislation targets them.

    Pornhub claims the reason is because they dont to collect government ID but Pornhub collects user data and understands who their customers are. Adding government ID to their data would hardly be anymore of a privacy invasion and it’s not like they are forced to store it.

  • I love making things and trying to figure out new ways to improve my experience. So I spent half a day making my lounge perfectly comfy, big 60inch 4k TV, pc hooked up, controller If I needed but also mouse and keyboard. and I played for 30mins before I realized it sucks compared to sitting at my desk.

  • Finally after many many years I have gathered my friends together and played divinity original sin 2. The first session was very fun and we all had a blast. We couldn’t complete any storylines because someone kept aggroing every npc and by the end of the night we had killed every npc in fort joy and used about 20 rez scrolls and many reloads.

    After we got out of fort joy and agreed to put our muderhobo ways behind us and keep a good standing with the traders. It lasted about 5s before someone threw a bucket at the lvl 8 skeleton trader and he killed us all. After a reload to previous save we managed to sell our loot and have 1 npc who doesn’t hate us.