What does refresh rate have to do with resolution?
What does refresh rate have to do with resolution?
Yup. If my pimax crystal and all my sim hardware ran on Linux I’d switch immediately. I’m sure my Kodi/mpc-be/madvr could work. Not sure about Dolby Atmos. But some of the drivers for my sim hardware already seem slightly jank in windows and I’m not sure the already small teams they have are able to support windows and Linux builds
The gaming/home theatre is the only windows machine I own.
You forgot when the boot loader forgets where it placed your boot partition and you get to do a few rounds of bcdedit /h /s /gofuckyourself
Lax* but yes they also lack them too
Because trump’s processor doesn’t have an IPC. It uses CPI instead and w’d have to start using scientific notation
Go back to grade school and learn about sentence structure
Maybe you can try paying attention some time. There was no anrticle and nothing was about Obama. It was about a movie and how people don’t like it because there was a connection to Obama.
I’m just curious if you go to every other post too and find reasons to boycott stuff because of chemical, agriculture, gun/military, oil, pharmaceutical, sugar, and manufacturing companies killing a bunch of people. How do you find the time to do anything else?
Ok. But why are you singling out Obama and completely ignoring everything the light touches?
You’re really going hard on “Obama bad” eh? I’m just wondering where you draw the line. It’s impossible now so why choose this?
No it’s not. You’re boycotting anyone who killed people right? Why don’t you research some of the companies whose products you consume
No but are you boycotting everything ever and living in the arctic?
Name a president who didn’t kill people
Because quite often the inefficiency of bitcoin is used to detract from all cryptocurrencies. The same way all game consoles are nintendos. If this was truly a problem people gave a shit about they’d be praising proof of stake currencies instead.
I just don’t get the point of the article. It’s not a trade off where every transaction launches a swimming pool into the sun. The water is used to power electricity and cool the electronics. No ones freaking out about millions of watercooled PCs across the globe or Niagara Falls being used to power strip clubs or all the water all the data centres use to store my NFTs in S3.
Nestle and Coke are literally destroying water tables and exterminating villages by buying the upstream water rights and removing that water from the area or “selling” it back to people who can’t afford it.
If you actually care, do something like switching to ethereum, cutting back on beef, and protesting Nestle and Coke. But don’t protest Coke because they’ll just murder you.
Destroying the Amazon for beef is a better use? Swimming pools are better uses?
Where did I say we should ignore problems?!
Every swimming pool uses a swimming pool of water too. Wait til they find out about cattle, fossil fuels or mining.
And nothing you’ve stated refers to resolution