• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • open source wasn’t really a thing in the 90s and early 2000s

    Truly written as someone who wasn’t alive back then and just makes stuff up.

    Open-source - which was called free software back then - was very much alive and totally a thing since forever, and especially in the 70s, 80s and 90s. I learned all I know with free software in the 80s. Linux came out in 91 and was a pure product of open source: Minix - the forerunner of Linux - was a fully open-source OS created in 87, and GNU had been around since 83.

    Please read up on things you don’t know before posting nonsense.

  • ExtremeDullard@lemmy.sdf.orgOPtoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldAstounding absurdity
    2 months ago

    Plus, they very likely can’t sell electrical equipment that has had its cord chopped up and repaired

    I did it proper. You couldn’t tell the cord had been replaced. For the rest, yeah I know what you mean. That doesn’t mean it’s not crazy that the Red Cross should refuse free shit. My Dad lived through the war and the food restrictions, and let me tell you, he would have been outraged.

    Next time, find a friend with small feet who would like to take it off your hands.

    The funny thing is, I’m a clear foot taller than my wife, but my own feet have been shortened surgically a few years ago and are now shorter than hers, and I fit inside the machine just fine. But I didn’t want the machine because I hate foot massages 🙂

  • The less Google can figure out who you are accurately, the longer the ReCAPTCHAs get. For instance, if you run Librewolf with Resist FingerPrinting, you’re going to eat a metric shit-ton of buses, stairs, bicycles and fire hydrants.

    Captchas are maddening, they’re forced labor and there’s a special place in hell for whoever invented them, deploy then and maintain them. However, you should take comfort in the fact that if you have a really hard time getting past a particularly stubborn ReCAPTCHA, it means Google has a harder time tracking you.

  • The scary thing isn’t that this sort of thing is technically possible. It’s that the cops try this lazy-ass investigative method because they know full well the information oligopolies readily play ball and provide the data more often than not.

    And that my friends is the very definition of Fascism: when big business is in cahoots with the authorities. Don’t take my word for it: Benito Mussolini, the very dude who invented Fascism, said it himself in 1932:

    “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”

    I’ve known Big Data would eventually lead us to full-blown fascism since Scott McNealy inadvertently spilled the beans about the future of privacy in 1999. Everybody dismissed McNealy back then and said nobody would stand for this. But I instantly realized he was telling the naked truth as it would happen that day. And I’ve been called a nutcase and a conspiracy theorist ever since, for a full quarter of a century.

    And now here we are: everybody is finally coming to the same realization - too late to do any goddamn thing about it.

    This is sad…