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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • So Google is selling license for code and technologies. They’ve shown no ownership of in a competitor’s product? Google is actively funding litigious troll shell corporations who shown no actual harm to harass and drain competitors resources? Google is creating and using secret apis for themselves. Breaking the ones for third parties in order to hold them back?

    I’m not saying Google’s good Or anything. Not defending them in any way. But they’ve got a long way to go before they reach Microsoft level. Microsoft is literally the reason why before going public. Google had the motto of don’t be evil.

  • Probably a tonal issue on my part. Not intentional. But it’s happened before. Combined with the fact that despite my advice being sound. It’s far from an ideal solution for a number of people. Not everyone can buy online, and many don’t have the interest or aptitude to procure and assemble themselves. And it sucks that there isn’t a better option. Brick and mortars etc providing an option.

    I have run Linux on systems from every major SI. Dell, HP, Lenovo, Acer, IBM etc. Tower wise these days it’s fairly foolproof outside network or graphics interfaces. Realtek is a mess. And Nvidia IS getting better, but still shits the bed badly when I try to use it with Wayland and the software I want to use. Which is getting to be issue enough that I’m de-nvidifying where possible till Nvidia gets it together.

    Laptops are a special hell though. Malfunctioning/non functioning screen controls, IO, and peripherals that can’t be replaced etc. The next laptop I buy will be one built with Linux compatibility in mind. I’m getting to the point myself that while I can chase down and fix issues. I would rather it just fully worked. Replacing the m.2 network interfaces on systems that allow it is great and all. But at my age my eyesight is getting to where attaching the antenna leads is very challenging.

  • If you install Linux on any sort of proprietaryish system. Dell, HP, Lenovo, etc. You need to expect to have some issues. And it’s not linux’s fault.

    If you want to have a smooth “just works” experience with Linux. Either buy a system made to run it. System 76, tuxedo etc. Or build it yourself if you have the know how.

    You wouldn’t try to install Mac OS on a non Mac and expect it to work flawlessly. We shouldn’t expect that of Linux either. It often still does. But that’s besides the point.

    My favorite laptop to use right now A 2017 HP elitebook with an AMD chipset. The Bluetooth is indeed a bit of a problem unfortunately. But if I took the time to source a decent Intel m.2 upgrade board. It would be flawless apart from the fingerprint sensor which will never work. But again, that’s not linux’s fault.

    Make the investment into a compatible system and you won’t regret it.

  • I bet you say all this unironically in your head while wearing a Che shirt.

    Careful, that’s another antique. And no. I don’t wear my politics in any way. And would definitely not wear anything with Guevara as I have rather strong ideological differences with him.

    I don’t have any cognitive dissonance. Thank you very much.

    At this point I’m inclined to agree. You seem insincere and more concerned with poor attempts at unsuccessful trolling.

    Lenin, look how great that turned out.

    I agree. You can even check my post history as I’ve effectively said the exact same thing elsewhere. Today even. I just have actually valid, non hypothetical criticism to offer regarding it.

  • No. Communist countries don’t exist. There are ML countries. And yes, they’re as problematic as the unregulated capitalism countries.

    Capitalism is an issue. Has been for over 100 years. As has Lenin’s malformed ideologies for almost the last 100.

    You should stop digging for antiques in your mom’s basement. Before projecting on to others.

    I was sincere in advising you to address your cognitive dissonance.

  • I am not opposed to wealthy people or billionaires or whatever. What I am against is the companies running the show and having undue influence over the government. People like Zuckerberg have way to much power over the government and that isn’t good.

    It’s the same picture.

    If you’re against people like Zuckerberg. You’re against billionaires etc. If you’re not against billionaires you’re not against people like Zuckerberg. You just want one you agree with. Musk maybe?

    I used to be against heavy regulations but we have gone to the other extreme of too little regulations.

    If only we knew who pushed for, and funded this. I mean it absolutely was not the wealthy or chad billionaires. They’re just good honest bros. They wouldn’t use that vast wealth to manipulate and lie to us.

    I am tired of my insurance being tied to my employer. I am tired of forced arbitration agreements

    Guess who. Guess who. Those things are in the vested interest of the wealthy and especially billionaires. Though they would never leave themselves subject to them.

    The problem isn’t capitalism but human nature.

    Oof, cognitive dissonance wins again. Capitalism that isn’t so tightly regulated that it struggles to exist. Only reinforces and encourages the worst of human behavior. They’re both a problem. Together they’re a perfect storm. Literally every one of your complaints can be directly attributed to your voting habits. (If you are truly Republican) You’ve enabled it all. (So have Democrats to a much lesser extent) And still stick with identifying as the problem. Note, I’m not saying Democrats are the solution. Slightly better problem perhaps. But certainly not a solution as they currently exist. But friend, you really need to work through the cognitive dissonance and indoctrination issues. In the end you will thank yourself if you do. And that’s what matters right?

  • Acknowledging well documented history is being radical? That’s a hot take.

    Look the fact that you cannot counterpoint or rebuff any of the claims that I made. Instead choosing to whine ineffectually like a petulant child. That’s on you. Educate yourself or stop disagreeing with reality. Those are your only two real options if you don’t want to be seen as childish and ignorant.

    Communities here are surviving just fine. I’m fine with smaller more intelligent communities. If you need the noise and baseless blather of fashiverse. We aren’t holding you hostage. You are welcome to stay here. But you’re going to have a bad time as long as you try to deny or deflect on history. It’s the same thing I say to the stalinists, the maoists, and the other Bolshevik boys.

  • The United States was the primary source of inspiration for the German Nazis. Even as the fascist Nazi party was rising up in Germany. They were mimicking fascists in the United States. The German beer hall putch was not an isolated or unique event. The fascists here in the United States had the business plot. Which FDR almost completely dropped the ball on in exchange for short-term gains. Letting these seditious fascist escape with their lives to regroup and continue plotting. Long ago having clawed back most of the short-term gains FDR got.

    Within barely a generation they were running bigoted racists like Nixon and winning. Soon followed by the rather open protofascist Reagan. Whose vice president was former head spook at the CIA. The same CIA that had spent much of the early 20th century overthrowing democracies and destabilizing the rest of the world. He also happened to be the son of the man that was most likely to have been their intended leader to install as fascist dictator. Who’s coke adult son a little over a decade later followed in his father’s footsteps.

    Fascists in the US at least have never had consequences to learn from. They’ve barely had to setbacks. They just slow boiled it here. But we still arrived at poisoning the blood of our country and blood and soil. Eventually. January 6th was not even the first Republican coup plot that we know about.

    And there are plenty in the UK and Europe that learned the wrong lessons from world war II as well.

  • Like I said. I’m not here to defend leninists. I disagree with them vehemently. I disagree with all authoritarians vehemently. They absolutely tend to dive into adhominems immediately in many instances. Not always, but far too often. It’s kind of what you do when you can’t actually defend your viewpoints. Doesn’t really bother me though. I’m used to it from all over. As a social-libertarian I get called a fascist by many leninists, and a Leninist/tankie by fascists.

    For myself though things have been far better over here than they ever were on Reddit. Perhaps that’s because of my more natural left lean? That was always something viewed as negative on a site like Reddit.

  • Should I call you a fascist and see how friendly you are? I don’t think you are. And I’m not going to. But when someone pulls stupid shit like that. It doesn’t actually contribute in anyway towards any sort of civil debate. And funny that your admonishing me and not him as well. Also, extra funny. Because that sort of shit is way worse on Reddit. Sooooooooo okay.