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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 23rd, 2023


  • and you could streamline it as a list of emote-like buttons that convey each of those options somehow. the binary good/bad that we have now has led to a non-trivial amount of people taking it way too personally or obsessing over the singular number - a lot of times it’s easy to go straight to thinking of the worst case scenario, and that way of thinking about social media usage exacerbates a lot of mental health issues that’ve been revealed in all those studies linking them (social media and mental health)

  • that’s kinda the crux of my spiel though, what they charge communicates what they believe the work is worth, and they’re either saying the previous work is worth less now, or this lesser amount of work is worth more

    I agree, they have the right to charge what they want, but what they communicate with the price feels like spitting in the face of their playerbase, which, again, they have the right to do

    and yeah, MK1 on switch is rough, and feels like they just ported over as much of the graphics engine as they could, and completely turned off all the fancier effects. Then they downscaled all the assets on top of that to make it super oof