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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Command line stuff on Windows (server) is in a pretty decent state now, imo. It’s not perfect but more and more is manageable with powershell. It took some time to really grok that you’re basically always working with objects but I’m a big fan and now quite dislike having to deal with just “text” output when I do something in Linux. (Probably also because I need to do a lot less in it so I’m not used to it as much)

    Personally again I also like the naming scheme much more than how it’s done in bash. If I need to do something I don’t know I can search the command by using logical words. E.g. I want to change the properties of a service but don’t know the command by heart I can use

    Get-Command service

    And I’ll get a list of all commands that contain the word service.

    When it comes to admin privileges you simply have the privileges of the account you used to start the session, which has its’ own dangers I suppose since it requires you to maintain account hygiene yourself.

  • If you only have to use it 15 minutes every week it’s probably not worth getting to know.

    I work in a Windows shop, so I love everything being an object, most of the time. At least for the things that are worked out completely.

    It’s great for things you need to iterate or just for figuring out what you can do by piping a result to get-member. If you are interested in getting better at powershell at some point, I highly recommend Powershell in a month of lunches. (Also because I like Manning’s model where they automatically offer the digital versions of books they sell, and also offering free previews of the entire book, given enough time)