Ah, going with the quantum bogo sort then.
Ah, going with the quantum bogo sort then.
Assuming you’re in the US you should know that first time home buyers can put basically 0% down. You need to pay mortgage insurance until you hit 20% equity in your home but that isn’t terribly expensive when you compare it to the mortgage, insurance, and taxes. The 20% down rule is really only if youre selling an existing property to buy a different one. No bank is expecting a first time buyer to put 20% down.
I want to say the total amount I paid out of pocket at closing for my house was like $3000 back in 2018. So it’s still spendy but the down payment isn’t as much of an obstacle as people make it out to be. The bigger obstacles are just having a good credit score and a history of stable employment.
Are you kidding. This is murica! Cheese is practically a waste product of our over subsidized dairy industry. Theres a reason that there’s 1.4 billion pounds of cheese in our strategic cheese reserves. Theres no reason those enchiladas couldn’t be 50% cheese product.