Pihole runs on a 10-15 dollar computer (raspberry pi) and blocks anything you want, and is free as in freedom software. It is also zero cost.
Pihole runs on a 10-15 dollar computer (raspberry pi) and blocks anything you want, and is free as in freedom software. It is also zero cost.
I always use this command as $rm -fr and read it as remove, for real
Uncomplicated firewall is a nice frontend for up tables.
Rsync on a scheduled task is dead simple. If your friend can stomach WSL (Windows subsystem for Linux) being on the machine you might try using that. The command is a one liner:
$rsync -r /path/to/source /path/to/backup
and can be automated with cron.
You try’na sell that laptop whenyour get the other one?
They make tire inflators that can be plugged into your car’s DC outlet. In the event that your tire isn’t thrashed, you can fill it up and keep on going. I had a slow leak in a tire for 9 months that I just topped off until I got it fixed. Sorry about your luck, friend.
Please explain in less detail to help me understand, internet friend.
Yo, empty your computer recycle bin / yeah can. That’s where the files are.