FWIW my teen does. For him it’s a combination of things not available on campus and he’s always sent money as soon as he gets it. But he doesn’t have any expenses so …
FWIW my teen does. For him it’s a combination of things not available on campus and he’s always sent money as soon as he gets it. But he doesn’t have any expenses so …
Yeah, my Mom is mobility impaired and these services were fantastic for her quality of life, in the beginning. However now she not only can’t afford them, she refuses even if someone else pays - I can send $100 for a meal, it she’s horrified at the idea of paying that for me meal for one person
At least grocery deliveries are still ok in her area
Costco has some excellent clothes that I’d be proud to wear anywhere, including some presentable casual (such as khakis and polos). Usually these are regular brands and it’s the more basic stuff that’s store brand. Alas, no tall sizes so I can’t.
The problem is choosing the extra casual clothes, from Costco or otherwise
It may even be lack of self confidence. The daughter could be nervous about fitting in with the new family, and expressing that in an unhealthy way
Huh, my reaction is the opposite. While I don’t actually care, if you have no respect, can’t make any effort, why are you even there? I probably have loved ones who are upset and they don’t need your BS.
The party that started this thread is an entire different form of lack of respect, but respect my family or eff off
We need a better term, since it’s not entirely anti-choice. It’s “your body, my choice”
Admittedly didn’t read the whole thing but this looks like they want to pay for pro-life centers everywhere. I don’t see anything about restricting care, except for scamming people into walking into a pro-life center pretending to be a medical center.
Even today’s partisan court has to balk at government spending money on something that appears to be religion based, right? Right?
In this case there’s a Supreme Court decision that this issue should be left up to the states. Sure key they won’t reverse themselves so soon, right?
What is your company looking for in your India resources? I’m convinced a lot of the problem is companies emphasizing low costs when outsourcing. You get what you pay for.
I’ve seen much more consistent results from colleagues in India when the company invests in them as a location with longer term outlook. When you’re not just looking for lowest costs, you can afford better engineers and when you treat them right you can attract better engineers
They really aren’t, depending on your field. For some fields, connections are critical and certain universities do much better than others. Some fields have an unusual program that give you unique benefits.
But some fields are completely not. My older kid is going into teaching, and
On the other hand my niece is going into film and there are literally a handful of universities whose connections are so far above anything else that it’s worth investing ridiculous amounts in that education
You laugh, but I got my current job through linked in. I started going through old contacts to see if they were in an interesting place with openings, and found one - a guy who had been my VP a few jobs ago was building a new org
Early in my career I knew people without degreees who had managed to get in - once you’re in, you’re in. However their limitations became clear pretty quickly and I don’t believe you could break into the field today without a degree
Even beyond the fact that this is a highly specialized field where a degree is important, it’s a matter of scale. Every opening we have gets literally hundreds of applicants, all of whom have college degrees. We have to begin focusing on the most likely candidates somehow, so yes, no degree and you’re not even in the pile I see
For my family of three, I’ve had to start buying “party size” of too many things.
Family size cereal is ok though, since I’m the only one who eats it
“Van, sleeps 2” Is very different from: “2 bedroom Airbnb”.
And it s not ok if the description is correct, they’re still fraudulently collecting views. That’s great that you have a camper van down by the river and I’m sure there are people who would appreciate it, but not someone who is looking for a 2 bedroom Airbnb”
Definitely curious as well, but so far haven’t gotten around to trying
I used to do that but it would constantly nag until I connected it
That’s unfortunate: it definitely sucks both that hearing aids are inordinately expensive and that they’re not usually covered. I assumed from reading your post that it was more intentionally spending down and abandoning the account
401k money is taxable as regular income on withdrawal. The expectation is you will be in a lower tax bracket after retiring, so you win.
HSA is not taxable, although I don’t know if that’s just when used for medical expenses
Where is whatever government agency is in charge of truth in labeling, not ripping off the consumer …. At the very least they are deliberately hiding some of their fees under “taxes and fees” in the hope that some pole won’t realize how high it is for a tax. Taxes should be itemized so everything else is fees
Assuming that agency still exists. Why are these “free market” types always seem to not want the transparency and fairness that makes a free market work well?