So, are Apple operating systems actually considerably better in terms of privacy? I’ve been considering making the switch for both privacy and security reasons, but I’m not really sure it’s worth the cost and hassle. I’m currently on an iPhone (recently switched because I had a Pixel 7 with… issues, but that’s longer story) and I’m trying to decide if it’s worth it to fully switch over to the Apple ecosystem.

    1 year ago

    If you want to switch anyway, why not graphene/calyxos with Ubuntu/mint/pop/fedora? They work on your current device, and much more private than iOS + macOS

    I think graphene should be relatively painless, especially with sandboxed Google play. The only thing don’t work is probably auto and pay. Calyxos is kind of the same story.

    Linux distro has been working really well for me (I switched to windows from Linux at the end of college, and switch back to Linux again last year). The only thing that doesn’t work is office and other industrial software. If you don’t use Microsoft office extensively, then liberal office is a okay replacement. Only office is also very solid, but it is Russian software with few outside developers, so many people don’t really trust it.