• ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    For what it’s worth, you have this stranger’s full support. It’s extremely important to exercise your voice when dealing with bullshit like what YouTube is doing, and it saddens me to see so many people complain about YT / Netflix / whoever else walking all over them, while folding like wet paper and handing over their money.

    I understand that people with families can’t just tell their kids why they can’t enjoy the same shows their friends do… But even some of my single friends who pirate some things will still happily bend over for, say, Disney+.

    Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for sticking to your guns and actually treating YT like the pile of garbage it’s becoming. I’ll be right there with you if the ads become unavoidable, even if abandoning it is an extremely difficult long-term exercise. I left reddit in the rearview and YT will be no different.