China is currently leading in Science and Tech
Even 2 years ago , China leads in 37 of 44 areas
It looks like China has just reached parity with the west this decade, and now it’s starting to visibly pull ahead. I think we’ll see the pace of that accelerate over time as well given that the very act of catching up requires faster rate of development.
More with the current Trump wall surrounding all the US and scientifics leaving the states to MAGA (Make America a Golfstate Again), too stupid to understand that walls always work in both directions, even the economic ones.Now qith Canada, Mexico and also the EU making business with China. The eggs problem is only the beginning.
That’s going to accelerate the process for sure. Also worth noting that the US education system has been terrible for decades, and they’ve relied on poaching talent around the world to stay at the top.
The country that heavily invested in science and technology, much more so than any other nation in history, is going to lead the world in those fields?!
Seems like this is a shocking development for a lot of people who bought into China collapse narratives floating in the west.
Sabine is an idiot but she’s probably not wrong today.
Care to elaborate on your opinion about Sabine?
She goes out to talk about topics she’s not well versed in without doing enough research and says outright wrong stuff. In general, scientists who specialize in a field are often no better than a layman in the fields they have no background in. She’s not the only one who does this. Some scientists merely share uninformed opinions. Others do it for money. They build a persona that is imbued with trust by their existing expertise then they use this trust to keep pumping out other material for profit. That’s Sabine. Also Jordan Peterson. No they’re not the same but the scheme is. Laymen don’t know any better and absorb the material, correct or incorrect, since they don’t have the background to recognize when it’s bullshit.