Hey. I really like the idea of the fediverse and Lemmy and would want to know as a beginner/not so experienced regarding selfhosting what would be the best way to get started? I saw there are vps options, but don’t know of I’m looking in the right direction.

  • iKill101@lemmy.bleh.au
    1 year ago

    Personally… it was an experience to say the least. I went down the Docker path for my instance. I’ve tried to keep away from Docker for ages, but here I am.

    I’d recommend using the ansible playbook to get it running, as the docker documentation isn’t very detailed and it gets very confusing; especially for a beginner.

    • blackstrat@lemmy.fwgx.uk
      1 year ago

      The docker documentation is not kept in sync with the docker-compose.yml it asks you to use. So you download the latest one as per instructions, but that’s being regularly updated with no thought to the documentation also being updated. It’s also doesn’t seem aimed at production deployment, just developer test environments. Then there are stupid simple things like the port number being changed in the docker-compose.yml but not in the nginx.conf or the lemmy.hjson. There desperately needs to be better control of that.

      There is a lot wrong there and it doesn’t fill me with confidence. It took me 3 hours to piece it all together last night and had to revert to picking bits out of the ansible documentation.