This is not my pic because I forgot to screenshot it when I did it. Microsoft has the hardest captcha I have ever had to complete. This one looks easier but I had a similar one that on my phone the images were too small, not recognizable and were more abstract looking shapes. It was so hard, I failed like 8 times (there were several ‘rounds’) and it almost made me second guess whether I might actually be a robot lol. Luckily, there was an audio version where you have to pick from a number of melody recordings and choose the one that was a pattern. Anyone else have trouble with this?

    2 months ago

    Yeah, also, where did all the fun stuff go? Now it’s just rage bait AI generated “articles” that pushes the dopamine button.

    Where are 3D printer projects, robots, science, the arts, longevity science, DIY, and so on?

    Mustn’t we build a new internet without the idea that you should earn a living from whatever you do there?