This is not my pic because I forgot to screenshot it when I did it. Microsoft has the hardest captcha I have ever had to complete. This one looks easier but I had a similar one that on my phone the images were too small, not recognizable and were more abstract looking shapes. It was so hard, I failed like 8 times (there were several ‘rounds’) and it almost made me second guess whether I might actually be a robot lol. Luckily, there was an audio version where you have to pick from a number of melody recordings and choose the one that was a pattern. Anyone else have trouble with this?

    2 months ago

    Me and all my friends agree, but the site did not accept that as the correct answer. I originally took that picture to get a second opinion and make sure I wasn’t going crazy heh. I even tried for a new captcha, and it was still nonsense.

    We did it, we beat AI. And humans.