• Strangle@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I have beliefs that would be considered left leaning and ones that would be considered right leaning.

    You know, like a normal person aware of complexity and nuance

    • Gabu@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      i.e. you’re a fence sitter that supports corporate profits over human life and environmental awareness, a.k.a. a right-winger

      • dustojnikhummer@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Fence sitter implies I’m neutral and not decided about issues. No, I’m decided in my beliefs, I just don’t fit into either side. For example, I’m pro unrestricted civilian gun ownership but I’m also pro abortion. I’m anti illegal immigration but also anti religion.

        What does that make me again? Undecided?

        • Gabu@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          Yes, it does mean you’re undecided, but worse yet, your wording tells me you haven’t even been made aware of what you should decide about in the first place. The issues you’ve raised have been contrasted as if dichotomies, when that’s not even close to true. It’s good that you agree abortions are the choice of the mother, as that’s the bare minimum we should expect of a rational human being who’s not evil. Then you immediately contrast it by asserting you haven’t even thought about your own morality yet – what does “unrestricted civilian gun ownership” even mean? Could I roll up to your front yard in a Panzer? Maybe you’d invite me in for some coffee as I hold a glock made of pure Uranium? Besides that, “anti illegal immigration” is a largely meaningless statement – everyone is, even “illegal immigrants”. They’d rather have the stupid law allow them to visit legally.

          Point is, the divide doesn’t lie between political parties, but between choosing to be evil and support a capitalist dystopia where money is worth more than lives, or be good.

          • dustojnikhummer@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            between choosing to be evil and support a capitalist dystopia where money is worth more than lives

            So you are a communist. What makes you think that you have the right of saying what should be decided or not? If I had to pick between hypercapitalism and communism, I would pick capitalism. Why? Because my country was raped by communists for over 40 years. Are you American? You sound American.

            It’s good that you agree abortions are the choice of the mother,

            No, I think it should be a decision for both parties, because by nature you need a father and a mother.

            what does “unrestricted civilian gun ownership” even mean? Could I roll up to your front yard in a Panzer?

            If it’s road legal and insured, why not? Actually in many European countries you can own a tank legally, just without the weaponry

            Maybe you’d invite me in for some coffee as I hold a glock made of pure Uranium?

            Uranium no, that would kill both of us, but polymer why not? There is a shooting range 3 blocks away, lets blast some targets!

            – what does “unrestricted civilian gun ownership” even mean?

            That you should be able to legally own really any form of firearm (nuclear weaponry to be considered at some other time). Want a fully automatic AR15 or a Kalach? Go for it. What I don’t mean by unrestricted is licenses. Guns owners should be licensed, weapons registered. Hmmm, almost like we already have this system all over the planet with motor vehicles, so just copy that system.

            They’d rather have the stupid law allow them to visit legally.

            It’s called a visa. And what gives them a “right” to any particular country? If I cross to work in Germany, I can do so legally because I’m a European citizen. However, if I wanted to work in the US or Canada, I would need a work visa. That is the legal way. Nobody is entitled to anything. Not me, not you, not economic migrants. The only people who deserve our help are actual war refugees. You know, like in Ukraine. They don’t run to Germany for cash, they ran to the nearest safe country (Slovakia, Poland) for actual safety, ie no rocket in their home.

            the divide doesn’t lie between political parties

            Given you think anything left is good, anything center or right is bad, the divide is between US political parties for you.

            But feel free to give me any more questions that you think I’m “undecided” about. I’m very well decided on pretty much anything. Or you can just do “too long don’t read”, I don’t really mind either way.

            Have a nice 4th of July!

            • Gabu@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              I’m not American. Capitalism has been raping my country for 100 years and is now raping yours as a bonus.

              Actually in many European countries you can own a tank legally, just without the weaponry

              I.e. you can own a vehicle. You took out the thing which made it a tank. Superb insight.

              No, I think it should be a decision for both parties, because by nature you need a father and a mother.

              I’ll agree with you as soon as a father has to expell a baby through his penis after carrying it about for 9 months

              And what gives them a “right” to any particular country?

              What gives you right to yours? It’s an arbitrary piece of land, certainly stolen from previous inhabitants.

              Uranium no, that would kill both of us

              Every gun’s only purpose is to kill. What’s the difference?

              Given you think anything left is good, anything center or right is bad, the divide is between US political parties for you.

              Again, not American. Again, it’s not about parties. Right-wingers, however, are unified in fucking people over for a slightly more favorable bottom line.

              • dustojnikhummer@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                I’m not American. Capitalism has been raping my country for 100 years and is now raping yours as a bonus. You sure act like an American. Better dead than Red

                I.e. you can own a vehicle. You took out the thing which made it a tank. Superb insight.

                Technically yes.

                I’ll agree with you as soon as a father has to expell a baby through his penis after carrying it about for 9 months

                Okay, but no child support payments if mother refuses to abort and father demands. Is that fair?

                What gives you right to yours? It’s an arbitrary piece of land, certainly stolen from previous inhabitants.

                Yes, previous inhabitants of… 2500 years ago. What gives me the right? I was born here. I pay taxes. I follow the laws. And so did my ancestors.

                Every gun’s only purpose is to kill. What’s the difference?

                Passive vs active. Me putting a piece of uranium under your bed vs shooting you in the face when you try to rob my house are two different things. Both end up in death, sure, but don’t rob people if you value your life more than their stuff. And I do value my property more than your life.

                Right-wingers, however, are unified in fucking people over for a slightly more favorable bottom line.

                Again, better dead than red.

                Hope you had nice 5th of July!

        • Gabu@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          I more so believe it’s insane to go with policies that either harm or impair people, but I’m aware there are other opinions on the matter.